I had such a great time putting this layout together. Almost everything on the page is from the Feb. kit. The only things that I used outside of the kit were some AC thickers and some sparklies I had just lying around.
Please excuse the horrible pictures. A new camera is on my list of things to get in the future... but for now the camera I have will have to work. :)
Aside from playing in my scrap room I had a pretty good weekend. Went out with the girls on Saturday night, just dinner and a movie but it sure was nice to hang out. Ive been needing that. We saw 'The Proposal', with Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock. It was hilarious- I havent laughed that hard in a while, I literally had tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard. If you get the chance- make sure you watch it!
Another note- as of tomorrow my summer is over. I go back to school and I am so not looking forward to it. For some reason I just really dont want to go back already. On the bright side, this is my last year (until I go back for my masters) seeing as how I'll graduate next May. Yay for me!! Luckily, tomorrow only starts the summer term... Ill only have one class to take until the fall semseter starts. Early Literacy II here I come!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!! Thanks for stopping by!